637 x 334 mm, black frame

Our offer includes steel and aluminium sectional doors. The steel sectional door features excellent thermal insulating properties. We offer this sectional door type in several standard colour shades without an extra charge. The aluminium all-transparent sectional door is used mainly in modern glazed buildings, such as showrooms. At your request, we will make any sectional industrial door in any colour shade according to the RAL scheme or with any print using the DURA PRINT technology.
ENQUIRE ABOUT THIS SECTIONAL DOORThe Base+ industrial door is mainly designated for industrial and warehouse buildings. The door features excellent thermal insulating properties. Its design is based on the requirement for the best possible rigidity, resistance and easy and safe operation. The solid sections are made normally in the popular lamella design in white, silver, metallic grey, red, blue, green, anthracite or brown colour. This door can also be made in any colour of the broad RAL colour scheme at the customer’s request.
The ALU+ aluminium door offers a generous solution for construction or adaptation of industrial buildings with a request for significant illumination of the interior.
Thanks to the use of high-quality materials, the easiness and elegance go in harmony with rigidity and stability. Standard features for this type of door are the safety based on the visual contact and maximum resistance to corrosion.
The aluminium industrial door with maximum illumination allows you to show from the outside what is worth seeing inside, or adapt the door appearance to the external shell of the building so that no one can see it is a door. This alternative is the best, for instance, for showrooms. Upon request, the glazing can be in a frosted version or the door can be made in any RAL colour shade. The door with the maximum glazing up to the 3,000 mm of width is without a vertical partition, glazing from 3,001 mm to 5,000 mm is divided by one vertical partition for safety reasons.
The integrated wicket door for the industrial door significantly reduces the energy costs, as they enable to enter the hall without having to open the entire main industrial door. Its colour identical to the industrial door is a matter of course. The wicket door can be fitted with a door closer, secured garage door movement with the wicket door open, panic lock and other accessories. The wicket door can be made either with a conventional doorsill with the height of 105 mm or 150 mm according to the door size or with a low doorsill with the height below 30 mm.
The steel door can be provided with glazed panels in different configurations.